The Foundation for School District 11 is dedicated to creating opportunities for the community to strengthen educational experiences in School District 11. Using funds raised, we are pleased to offer Inspiring Creativity Educator Grants as a means for teachers in D11 to bring innovative projects into their school and classrooms to enrich and enhance educational experiences for students. Grants range from $100 to a maximum of $300. Use the following form to apply for a grant to be considered. Applications are taken continuously with grants awarded quarterly. Only one grant per project per year will be awarded.
All applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- The impact of your project on student creativity and/or education
- The goals of the project and their alignment to academic standards
- The expected outcomes of the project and how its effectiveness will be evaluated
- The target population to be impacted by the project
- The budget for the project
All applications must be authorized by the school principal or his/her designee using this form. The Board of Directors of the District 11 Foundation look forward to this opportunity to assist you by funding projects that serve to inspire students to “love to learn”. If you have any questions feel free to email the Foundation at:
Apply Now!
Please pay close attention to the “agreement” section of the application and note that applications from prior grant recipients, who have not fulfilled the agreement as stated on the application, especially the final report summary, will not be considered.
Wayne Hutchison, President
Foundation for School District 11